Vezi trailer-ul DVD-ului Animals The Movie semnat Minilogue

05 Februarie 2009 Beat Factor BeatFactor

Cei doi suedezi care formeaza proiectul Minilogue vor fi prezenti in Romania, pe data de 27 februarie in Kristal Glam Club. Ultimul album semnat Minilogue se numeste Animals si a fost lansat anul trecut, iar pe data de 15 februarie vom asista si la release-ul unui mix DVD intitulat Animals The Movie.

DVD-ul contine 15 capitole si are ca tema transformarea si miscarea universala, reprezentata de catre animale. Fiecare capitol trateaza un subiect diferit si are propriul stil vizual si auditiv. declara Sebastian Mullaert. Mai jos puteti viziona trailerul DVD-ului.

Hitchiker's Choice

Animals - The Movie tracklist:

01. Old Water (design & animation by Rob Zohrab)
02. Windows (design & animation by Rob Zohrab)
03. City lights (design & animation by Rob Zohrab)
04. Six arms and one leg (design & animation by Rob Zohrab)
05. View of a juggling ball (design & animation by Rob Zohrab)
06. Yesterday Bells (design & animation by Rob Zohrab) : 16mm Film Footage Shot by Nic Fay@Traction Films
07. Giant hairy super monster (design & directed by Rupert Mackenzie, edited by Francis Glenday)
08. The Word feat. Tobias (design & animation by Rob Zohrab)
09. Across town (design & animation by Rob Zohrab) + Mel Goodard
10. Hitchhikers Choice (design & animation by Kristoffer Strm)
11. In a distance (design & animation by Rob Zohrab)
12. The first day of the rest of my life (design & animation by Dylan Pharazyn @ Timbuctoo : additional edit by Rob Zohrab)
13. Seconds (Colour & Sound) (design & animation by Jon Baxter @ Perceptual Engineering. com
14. Animals (director & character animation by Kristoffer Strm)
15. Outro (design & animation by Rob Zohrab)

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