Un nou videomix online de la Lektronikumuz

08 Ianuarie 2010 Beat Factor BeatFactor

DJ-ul si producatorul roman Lektronikumuz a realizat recent un nou video-mix, "Organ Hammond Skills 01". Prima parte o gasiti mai jos, urmand ca cea de-a doua sa apara in zilele ce urmeaza.

Cu un soi de pasiune ce poate duce in ochii unora catre o usoara manie, Lektronikumuz este unul dintre cei mai inraiti colectionari de discuri din Romania. In materialul video de mai jos, Remus face o incursiune in discuri mai vechi.

"Because of my interest in analog technology, and the fact that I am an vinyls player, specifically, a analogic turntables player, I thought it would be fitting to do a report explaining the sound used in the original records, since 1988 (quite possibly the world’s first good period of electronic vinyls), and explain how their immense popularity in the 80’s and 90’s helped shape the technology of the earliest gramophones, and the needs of early vinyls players in general."

Trageti-va un scaun mai aproape, relaxati-va, porniti full screen, popcorn si play.

Organ Hammond Skills 01 (Part.1) from Organ Hammond Skills on Vimeo.

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