Castiga un album "Directional" de la Sumsonic Records

20 Septembrie 2004 Beat Factor BeatFactor

Echipa de la Sumsonic Records au fost destul de binevoitori pentru a ne trimite 2 copii a albumului lor Directional, semnate de Chris Gainer si Paul Rogers, pentru a vi le inmana voua, membrilor Beatfactor. Tot ceea ce aveti de facut este sa raspundeti la o simpla intrebare si ati putea fi unul din cei 2 castigatori ai unui CD.

In recentul nostru interview, Chris Gainer, manager al Sumsonic Records a declarat cu privire la acest album: Doing the album was great fun for me and it was really well received which is always a great confidence booster, it was really cool to have all our productions as a basis to create an album, although a limiting factor it also meant that the trakcs seemed to sit really well together. There are plans currently in motion to do a second installment, following the same principals as the first album but this time mixed by Darko.

Pentru a intra in concurs, dati clic pe urmatorul link:
Directional mixed by Chris Gainer CD Competition


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