Bestfest 2009: concertul Thievery Corporation, anulat

02 Aprilie 2009 Beat Factor BeatFactor

Din cauza unor conjuncturi neprevazute, formatia Thievery Corporation nu va putea onora concertele programate in luna iulie, in cadrul noului turneu european, inclusiv concertele de la B'ESTFEST, Open'er (Polonia) si Balaton Sound (Ungaria).

Atat Eric cat si Rob regreta acest lucru si isi cer scuze in fata fanilor. Ei spera totusi ca pe viitor vor aparea noi oportunitatii de a concerta in orasele in care nu vor mai apuca sa ajunga vara aceasta.

Mai jos se afla declaratia oficiala:

''Due to unforeseen circumstances, Thievery Corporation will not be able to make the trip to Europe in July for the shows that we had previously scheduled. Both Eric & Rob are terribly sorry that they are not going to be able to make the trip. (...) We are very hopeful that we will be able to re-visit these opportunities at a later date, however we understand many of these events are one-time occurrences.(...)''.

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