Blogurile BeatFactor


De ce imi place jb?!?
11 Septembrie 2010 | deyutzalovesjustinbieber_4ever

De prima oara cand l'am vazut m'ia placut foarte mult de el.De ce?!Pentru ca este un scump,are niste ochii superbi , o voce adorabila:X. si a dovedit de nenumarate ori ca isi iubeste fanii.

Cum i'am spus si lui Rated :m'a impresionat cand am auzit ca a fost sarac.JB a luptat ca sa-si castige faima de care se bucura la acest moment .Deci nu toate vedetele se nasc cu faima sub f**d.

Si pentru ca tot mai sunt cateva zile pana la VMA ii urez  lui Justin mult siguranta va castiga cateva premii:x

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Selena nud? O PROSTIE!
06 Septembrie 2010 | Rated-Y2J

Se pare ca pe site mai sunt si persoane proaste lovite de soarta pe care Dumnezeu le-a lasat sa traiasca in mizerie si care au fost distruse de inundatii , acele persoane care o urasc pe Selena se mai afla printre noi si incearca sa para destepte desi sunt prea proaste , si ratate de viata ca sa poate face asa ceva!

Dragelor cand v-a poza Selena nud voi o sa ganditi! Si asta nu se v-a intampla vreodata pentru ca e imposibil! Si daca nu stiti ce e nud nu va mai baga-ti in seama pentru ca o sa va bag eu altundeva sa va saturati!

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Motivele pentru care sunt fanul Selenei Gomez!
27 August 2010 | Rated-Y2J

Probabil multi va intreba-ti un singur lucru in legatura cu mine si anume DE CE sunt fanul Selenei? Ei bine o sa incerc sa va explic si o sa incerc sa va aduc si pe voi pe drumul cel bun!

Selena este o fata incredibila , care niciodata nu face nimic rau nimanui , trateaza pe oricine de la egal la egal si intotdeauna e amabila cu oricine , desi multi o urasc ei nu-i pasa si merge mai departe peste fiecare obstacol pentru ca stie ca succesul se castiga doar muncind si asta face! Ador foarte mult melodiile ei , ador vocea ei , ador faptul ca pune suflet in fiecare melodie! Melodia care m-a fermecat la ea a fost Naturally pentru ca zice totul bine in acele versuri! Melodia care m-a facut sa devin un fan adevarat a fost Tell Me Something I Don't Know , care este de altfel si melodia mea preferata!

Dar sa vedem si un videoclip cu ea si motivele pentru care o ador:

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Elektro Bunker (Paulesti, Prahova)
26 August 2010 | ninu

Povestea buncarului, din mult prea cunoscutul Paulesti, incepe in preajma celui de-al doilea razboi mondial.
Locatia undeground a avut un rol strategic pentru armata germana, buncarul din Paulesti adapostind centrul comandamentului aviatiei naziste, care apara campurile petrolifere din zona Prahovei.
La circa 20 m sub pamant, nemtii aveau o adevarata cazarma: dormitoare, toalete, bucatarie, cantina si bineinteles temutul centru de comandament care supraveghia cu ochi de vultur tot ce misca in zona.
Pe vremea lui Ceausescu, buncarul a devenit un loc strategic de aparare impotriva atacurilor aeriene, iar in Paulesti s-a construit o unitate militara ca a fost funtionala pana dupa Revolutie.
Odata cu desfiintarea unitatii militare, buncarul a fost incendiat in dorinta de a distruge orice urma a sa si aproximativ timp de 15 ani nimeni nu a mai stiu nimic de existenta lui.
Totul s-a schimbat, acum cativa ani, cand vechiul canoc al armatei si terenul din jur si-au schimbat proprietarul fiind achizitionate de la Armata Romana de o persona fizica.
Asta a ramas suprins cand sub movilele din paduricea din fundul livezii conacului a gasit urmele unei constructii.
Incepand ca o joaca si un mijloc de relaxare si explorare, noul proprietar a reusit, ca dupa cativa ani de munca de restaurare, sa redea in folosinta buncarul din Paulesti.

Azi buncarul are aproximativ 600m patrati, 2 nivele, nenumarate camarute si culoare intortochiate, unde ai putea linstit sa te pierzi sau sa te faci pierdut, un aer industrial, underground care aduce a un mini Tresor din Berlin si o temperatura constanta de 16 grade celsius indiferent de vremea de afara.
Camera centrala are aspectul unei grote de 10m adancime, cu un efect sonor cavernuos similar celui din Berghain (pastrand proportiile si sonorizarea).

Anul trecut, in octombrie, a avut loc prima petrecere in locatia reamenajata sub numele de Elektro Bunker. Au participat aproximativ 200 de persoane iar atmosfera a fost creata de Jay Bliss, Dragos Rusu, Alex Modoi si Giuser.

Sambata aceasta va avea loc cea de-a doua petrecere Elektro Bunker.
Profitam de vremea buna de afara si incepem pe zi, la amiaza, in aer liber cu  Ciprian Popa, Miguel Sanchez si Mistor (sosit in ultima clipa in locul bolnavului Readymate).
La 10 seara ne retragem in undeground cu The Filters (live), Thommy, Giuser si Alexandru Jijian.

Pentru o experienta inedita, veniti sambata la Elektro Bunker, in  Paulesti.
Locul arata genial, in the middle of nowhere, fara sa stii daca e zi sau noapte, te poti astepta la orice.
In plus va sfatuim sa va lasati ceasurile si telefoanele mobile in masina sau chiar acasa (oricum n-aveti semnal jos) si sa va faceti pierduti printre betoanele brute, umede si reci pentru o noapte de neuitat.

Bring your sunbathe wear for the day and the jumper for the Bunker.

Mai multe informatii gasiti pe:

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Hipodrome Podcast 004 – Dragos Rusu
19 August 2010 | ninu

August it’s hot, Chicago is hotter, so we give you a hot chicago-house mix. Dragos Rusu delivered us a rough acid house podcast to jack your bodies in the long hot summer nights. Dragos is living in Bucharest and he is an editor for an electronic  music magazine / promoter / booking agent / manager / dj you name it, if it’s related to electronic music he’d been there. Dragos is one of the founders of more than 8 years ago, a web site that became one of the most important Romanian online  electronic music magazines. Dragos is djing for some years now and he is a dj without inhibitions, known for playing mostly in underground, infamous, hedonistic parties and afterhours.


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Love Will Tear Us Apart
18 August 2010 | real_drum

Este cel putin fascinant cum un singur cantec poate atrage dupa sine o armata de cover-uri, re-editari, remixuri, re-interpretari sau cum vrei sa-i mai zici.

Cert este ca "Love Will Tear Us Apart" a trupei post-punk Joy Division este una dintre piesele cele mai reinterpretate de-a lungul timpului.

Piesa a fost compusa in august si septembrie 1979, iar versurile reflecta oarecum problemele de mariaj pe care Ian Curtis, solistul trupei, le-a avut cu sotia sa, Deborah.

Mesajul sta inscriptionat astazi pe placa funerara a lui Ian. Piesa a fost initial lansata in luna aprilie a anului 1980, iar dupa ce Ian Curtis s-a sinucis, o luna mai tarziu, "Love Will Tear Us Apart" a devenit primul hit al trupei.

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Chaosphere song on the edge of Release !
20 Iulie 2010 | industrygiant

I finished "Chaosphere" last night and to put it bluntly, it ROX !

This was the last song I had planned for the album ChaoSphere, that was supposed to be released in 2009, but I couldn''t really bring a great song to you guys until now. It will most probably be the best song on the album and it''s soon to be released !

Stay Tuned !

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In fiecare Weekend petrecem in Club Xs
13 Iulie 2010 | Dj_Robby_1986

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Selena Gomez - Round & Round
30 Iunie 2010 | Rated-Y2J

Se pare ca BestMusic a uitat de Selena asa ca o sa scriu eu in blog chiar daca stiu ca nu  o sa se uite nimeni!

In 18 Iunie Selena Gomez a lansat videoclipul si piesa Round & Round! Filmarea videoclipului a avut loc in Budapesta iar durata a fost de o saptamana de filmari!

Videoclipul are ca durata 3:26 , iar dupa cum Selena ne-a obisnuit piesa este in compania trupei The Scene

Sa speram ca pot sa fac reclama si ca v-a merge:

Selena Gomez & The Scene - Round & Round:

Round and Round (x4)

You see me standing there
And act like you dont know me
But last night you were calling me
Saying you want me
Oh why you always make me feel
Like I'm the one thats crazy
You feel my heart racing
My-my heart racing

Boy, I need you here with me
We can't go on this way
I'm falling hard for you
And all I can say

We're going round and round
We're never gonna stop
Going round and round
We'll never get where
We are going
Round and round
Well your gonna miss me
Cause im getting dizzy
Going round and round
Round and round

You tried to pull me close
And whisper in my ear
You always told me lies
I cried out all my tears
I pushed my feelings to the side
But then you bring them back
B-bring them back
Now you got me singing

Boy,I need you here with me
We cant go on this way
I'm falling hard for you
And all I can say

We're going round and round
We're never gonna stop
Going round and round
We'll never get where
We are going
Round and round
Well your gonna miss me
Cause im getting dizzy
Going round and round
Round and round

Love me or Love me not
Im starring at the clock
I take them flower petals off
And then I watch them drop
Love me or Love me not
Im starring at the clock
I take them flower petals off
And then I watch them drop

Boy,I need you here with me
We cant go on this way
I'm falling hard for you
And all I can say

We're going round and round
We're never gonna stop
Going round and round
We'll never get where
We are going
Round and round
Well your gonna miss me
Cause im getting dizzy
Going round and round
Round and round

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Interviu cu TRAXX
30 Iunie 2010 | real_drum

DJ-ul si producatorul din Chicago, Traxx aka Melvin Oliphant III a acordat un interviu recent site-ului Il recomand cu incredere!

 You are known for including all kinds of advanced electronic music from the past in your sets. Is this music a blueprint for what interests you musically? Does the music of Das Ding contain elements that you actively look for? What role does this music play in your Jakbeat concept?

If I understand your question right, you are asking if this music influences me when I am producing my own music? And I can only answer with: YES!

It definitely inspires me, and when it comes to Jakbeat… To me this IS Jakbeat. Period. I always stated the following: “Jakbeat is a state of mind and different level of musical consciousness. This sound was influenced from the early inception of dance music.” And that’s exactly what Das Ding is for me, it is an early inception of another side of dance music.

There are quite a few producers and DJs from the house and techno scenes of Chicago, Detroit or New York that cite music similar to Das Ding as important influence on their work. Apparently it still surprises a lot of their listeners that they were educated about the variety of disco styles as well as Industrial, Post Punk and other related music. Is this a stereotype that annoys you, that artists from a certain background are not supposed to be fans of a certain sound?

It’s not really a stereotype to me, nor is it annoying me. I just don’t really care much about what their influences have been. The point is this if you name certain groups and musical pioneers as influences, why are you not playing them in your sets anymore, if at all? That’s what I wanna ask.

You often stress that you place yourself in the tradition of Ron Hardy and Larry Levan, both DJs who were known to take risks and who had a very eclectic taste in music. Did you actively witness them play music in the vein of Das Ding?

No, not really. But I place myself in the tradition of the “spirits” of those two main influences on how I like to play records. That doesn’t mean that I only play exactly like them, but to me what matters is: “If these people would still be alive today, would THEY play it? Or if they would have known about that music back then, would they have played it? Ron Hardy always played stuff that was new, exciting, and he would deliver these sensations in a uncompromising way. That’s what I do, at least thats what I am trying to attempt. Ron Hardy played Liaisons Dangereueses and stuff like that, sure… but to me what matters the most is that he branched out of the common sense of the dancefloor and made people lose their minds on the music. When I name him as one of my main influences, then I am talking about that certain attitude when it comes to playing records and taking risks to give people something they haven’t heard before.

Apart from the clubs Ron Hardy played at, where could you hear this music in Chicago? Do I understand correctly that for example Club Medusa, the club that inspired Jamal Moss to do a series of according edits of post punk, EBM and industrial music, was such a club?

Yes, the Medusa was a club that would cater that particular kind of music. I went there a couple of times and had the honor to play there several times as well and never heard Das Ding tracks being played out, but I definitely heard some music in that vein, music I have never heard before in my life. What Jamal is doing is taking his own ideas of what has happened back in those days, and give his very own reflection to the listener. As of now, Jamal has done very special products for the Medusa Edits.

A lot of Das Ding’s music was originally released in cassette format. I remember that there was a very vital cassette label scene in Europe during the 80’s. Each month there were hundreds of releases on cassette, and the important music magazines tried to filter the output in specialized review sections. Was it similar in the US? Did you buy music on tape that wouldn’t have been released in other formats?

I bought music on tape, don’t get me wrong here. But in the early 80s, my perception of that music was literally not there. I didn’t read those type of magazines that you mentioned. I was more occupied riding my bike, playing videogames and watching people breakdance on the street. I was just a kid back then, and I didn’t find out about this type of music until later.

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