Blogurile BeatFactor


justin bieber este un ratat!
26 Iunie 2010 | Rated-Y2J

Deci chiar mi s-a facut mila de fanii acestui om ... ca sa zicem asa care tot il intorc bieber e nu stiu cum ca e nu stiu ce! Oameni buni TREZITI-VA LA REALITATE!!!

Trebuie sa realizati ca acel parazit trebuie sa dispara din inimile si sufletele voastre!

Acel justin bieber nu a facut nimic care sa va merite pe voi oameni buni!

Si acum sa vedem...Daca cineva citeste ce am scris eu aici as vrea sa imi zica parerea lui despre justin bieber!

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Hipodrome Podcast 002 - Alexandru Jijian
18 Iunie 2010 | ninu

Hipodrome Podcast series continues with Alexandru Jijian, an up-and-coming dj from Bucharest, Romania. With this podcast, he had shown his experimental side. For me this mix is like a very very hot summer day, like the ones we are having right now … The mix has around 90 minutes and it’s starting very deep, then as the heat is getting higher and higher, the mix is going into some ambient stuff. By the time when we passed half of the mix, the heat seems to disappear slightly as the night is coming. The mix takes a sudden turn and goes to straight up techno.


Postata in:  muzica  clubbing

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AYOE ANGELICA - Denmark is amazed
16 Iunie 2010 | real_drum

Un articol personal care nu a mai ajuns unde trebuia sa ajunga, din motive suspecte.

When thinking about the modern Danish “lo fi jazz” local music scene, you can hardly miss 21 years old Danish / Ethiopian singer Ayoe Angelica. She describes her work as a combination of soulful vocals, acoustic elements and crunchy electronics, complemented with a touch of lo-fi jazz. Even if this sounds a bit intricate to actually get, last year’s debut album “I’m amazed” gave her the homage on the international modern jazz / pop oriented music scene.  

Ayoe started singing before she even knew talking. She realized she can take it more significantly around 14-15 years old, and after meeting producer Mads B B Krog she ended up last year with successfully received “Sugar” and “Dr. Jekyll” popular singles and a full debut material. Ayoe was determined that 10 percent of the profit from I’m Amazed went to relieve poor children in her second home country.

Describing herself as “self-ironic, emotional, pleaser, confident and amazed” girl, Ayoe was born and raised in Denmark and even if most people consider her completely Danish, Ayoe’s mother is from Ethiopia. Little singer herself went there, when she was around eight years old and admits this was a pretty big experience. Now she bets that if she returns there, everything will seem different; even she remembers a lot from her trip to her mothers’ homeland. She spent the childhood with music; her parents would take her to concerts, give her music they consider she could learn something from. She then would learn playing piano, even though their parents have one in house but didn’t know to play.

When it comes to music, Ayoe truly sees it as the main occupation. She has developed a great working-relationship with her producer, the same one who previously worked with the likes of Faithless, DJ Aligator, DJ Encore, C-Stones, Julio Iglesias and other local and international artists. With top chart positions and several Music Award and Upfront DJ Award nominations, Mads B B Krog, Ayoe’s producer, seems to master equally the mainstream pop and the electronic upfront and club scene. Mads’ own project in the past years have been Plateaux Techniques, a wide range of collaborations with artists from various genres of music.

Ayoe primarily sings for herself, but everyone who feels like listening is more than welcome. You may enjoy it. Sometimes romantic and melancholic with a taste of soul/jazz, sometimes cheerful with some pop touch, her music innocently shines from the country of Hamlet searching for new souls. Ayoe’s own is excited about the new way things started to shape, regarding her music career. Even she admits she has learn a lot from the studio work spent in the last year, Ayoe’s main specialty remains her own voice, the one which can convert musical styles and perceptions, creating her own unique thing. Is the powerful voice that gives integrity to the music? Maybe, if we take in consideration the fact that most of the tracks have Ayoe’s own vocals on it.

21 years old only, Ayoe seems to know what she wants from the music scene, having already made two videos (both made by the Danish director Niels Kjær Olsen who also did the videos of Ida Østergaard’ s “On his Knees” Birk Storm’s “I don''''t care”) and preparing her new album in the next year. Speaking of this, the new album is already anticipated on the music bizz. Ayoe plans to feature some new vocals on it, thinking on some German singer, or any other interesting collaboration. As she’s young, she has a lot of ideas and dreams to fulfill, so the first one coming up next seems to be her second album.

Ayoe is amazed by many things, in common. Even though, the title of her debut album is much more the description of how the album was created, the amazing process. And titles with some personal touch on it are always working better on the scene. But digging into the track list you can find romantic disillusionment, jazzy contrasts, rock influences, bluesily pensive, even a tribute to Billie Holiday with a cover of “God Bless the Child”. Having so many influences on it, it shouldn’t surprise that iTunes ranked Ayoe in their top ten jazz category, even though this can confuse the audience who expect the genre to be actually right. But it definitely features some jazz sounds such as trumpet and a woodsy, acoustic bass. With a dreamy attitude, powerful vocals, romantic and childlike, her first music album invited the listeners from the foremost to meet her, as the face of a innocent-luxurious-Danish-pretty-girl appears on the artwork of the LP.

When she’s not ruining her time with music, Ayoe also likes traveling and admits she can be found a lot at Denmark’s’ coziest café called “Christianshavns Baadudlejning”, dating from 1898.

Postata in:  show-biz  muzica  fashion

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Adam Lambert
13 Iunie 2010 | AlexandraFanaAdamLambert

Adam Lambert e o bombonik de baiat\"heart\"\"yes\"\"kiss\"\"heart\"

Postata in:  muzica  funny

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Concert Aerosmith
21 Mai 2010 | texx

Urmeaza Aerosmith  in iunie :)

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Concert AC/DC
21 Mai 2010 | texx

Am fost , am vazut, mi-a placut :)

Din nefericire o parte din concertul AC/DC am petrecut-o cautand un grup de prieteni.

Postata in:  muzica

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Hipodrome Podcast 001 - Toygun
16 Mai 2010 | ninu

Here is the starting point for the podcast series. The first mix is from Toygun, a young dj from Hermannstadt , Romania. He delivers a 2 hours mix with more than 40 chicago, electro, disco and italo tracks.
I hope you enjoy it, I certainly did.

Bonus, short interview with Toygun


Postata in:  muzica

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27 Aprilie 2010 | real_drum

Acesta este primul interviu in limba engleza cu STL, pe numele sau adevarat Stephan Laubner. A lansat la Perlon, Something Records, Echospace, Smallville Records.

Interviul il puteti citi aici -

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Vedete de care eu una m-am saturat
06 Aprilie 2010 | MySuicideDream

Daaa...m-am gandit sa-mi spun shi eu offul fara a avea pretentia sa ma inteleaga cineva ;;) Asha...ash vrea sa cataloghez shi eu nisthe "vedete" aparute din senin care au luat mintile adolescentilor din ziua de azi :)

1.Oare cine sa fie?Guess who?  Miss Miley Cyrus desigur :)

Mereu am avut ceva cu fiinta injositoare care nu acum mult timp era doar o fata simpla venita de la tara ca sa ajunga "Superstar" ;;) De unde sa incep? Miley Cyrus aka Hannah Montana a aparut prima data in 2006 interpretand-o Miley Steward,o adolescenta obisnuita,aiurita,obsedata dupa culoarea roz ce in spatele vietzii sale naspa o tine ascunsa pe Hannah Satana...Montana pardon :) Hannah Montana esthe o cantareata naspa,la fel ca shi cea care o interpreteaza,OBSEDATA de culoare roz care canta despre cat de cool esthe shi despre faptu ca "Nobody\'s perfect" (nimeni nu-i perfect) dresigur...nimeni cu exceptia ei :) Ma rog...s-o lasam acu pe Hannah shi sa trecem la Miss Cyrus ;;) Satula sa fie in umbra personajului pe care il interpreteaza Miley a "ieshit de sub carapace" in 2007 lansandu-se pt prima oara sub numele ei adevarat "Miley Cyrus" cu albumul de debut "Meet Miley Cyrus" ;;) Ea sperand ca lumea (cand spun "lume" ma refer la copiii prosthi care ii sunt fani) s-o uite pe Hannah shi s-o placa pe Miley ;;) I-a mers shi ei un an,doi ca deh...muzica ei transmite mesaje :)))) Exista insa o mica problema...Miley a inceput sa-shi cam piarda din fani :( Eu fiind un antifan (UN MARE ANTIFAN) de-al ei ar trebui sa ma bucur dar din pacate nu o pot face :(( deoarece era o mare distractie pt mn sa ii vad pe fanii Miley cum sufera :(((( Btw cauza pierderi fanilor nu o stiu exact...adica sunt multe posibilitati :-? S-or fi desteptat?Shi-or fi dat seama cat de c*rva e Miley?Ramane un mister.

2.Lady Gaga

N-am nimic rau cu tipa insa ma cam deranjeaza faptu ca se expune MULT prea mult :-? Spre deosebire de unii care se supra numesc cantareti (cand de fapt e vai de capu lor) Gaga chiar are voce,insa nu vrea sa-shi cucereasca fanii cu vocea ei,mai mult lasand vestimentatia noncomformista sa ii construiasca o imagine.

3.Jon-ass brothers :) daaa.... cu alte cuvinte cea mai proasta trupa ever ;;)

Ca shi  Miley,surorile....fratii Jonas s-au facut cunoscuti datorita Disneyului (care mai nou lanseaza orice adolescent deprimat shi netalentat) Daca nu ma inshel :-? fratiorii Jonas au aparut prima oara in filmul "Camp Rock" (care numai Rock nu era dar nah...vorbim de Disney,dah?)Ei au jucat in filmul "Camp Rock" (nu pe bune :-s oamenii asthia ce au avut in cap cand i-au zis "Rock" ?) alaturi de Demi Lovato (o alta panarama marca Disney Chenal bineinteles) Dintre surorile...fratii mai :)) Jonas cel care a avut cea mai mare importanta in film a fost Joe.Dupa Camp Rahat (sorry dar chiar nu mai pot scrie Rock x-( e cea mai MARE insulta adusa muzicii Rock pe care am vazut-o vreodata) a urmat "Jonas" ;;) care ii are ca protagonisti tot pe subsenatii fratiori ;)) Serialul(daca poate fi numit serial) ii prezinta pe cei trei intr-o postura care este destul de asemanatoare cu cea a lui Miley Cyrus in serialul "Hannah Montana" deshi nu sunt chiar la refer la faptul ca shi Jonashii merg la scoala ca nisthe adolescenti normali doar ca,colegii lor sthiu de faptu ca ei sunt "Staruri" btw ca shi in Hannah Montana,serialul Jonas contine glume fara nici un haz,intamplari stupide,fani disperati etc...Ca shi Miley (e a treia oara cand ii compar cu ea dar...n-am cu cine altcineva ca doar nah sunt cam the same shit) Jonas a produs un impact printre adolescentele aiurite in cautare de o viata,care insa nu a durat mult ;;) Jon-ass shi-au pierdut fanii shi nu prea mai au multe planuri de viitor ca trupa :) Kevin(cel mai mare shi cel mai naspa) s-a casatorit,Joe...nush ce draq face shi ala,iar Nick(without dick :))) porecla pe care i-am dat-o) vrea sa incerce o cariera solo (eo i-ash sugera sa se dea batut ca doar s-a facut de rahat cu trupa Jon-ass,acu vrea shi pe cont propriu?)

4.Numarul patru l-ash dedica restul starurilor Disney :)

Demi Lovato,Selena Gomez,Vanessa Hudgens,Ashley Tistdale,Zac Efron shi multi altii....Numele lor va suna cunoscute?Cum sa nu :) doar esthe vorba de cei mai naspa "cantareti" sau "actori" (toti marca Disney of course ;;))Nush cum unii copii ii pot considera "cantareti","actori","role modele" shi alte minuni :-s Trist nuh?Mah rog nu mai stau sa dezbat shi subiectul lor ca n-are rost :-< povesthile lor sunt foarte asemanatoare cu ale lui Miley shi Jon-ass ;) Asha de repede apar,asha de repede dispar :->

5.Justin Beiber

Justin...offff ;;) a aparut de vreo 5 luni shi deja adolescentele mor dupa pusthiulica superstar :) Deci pe langa faptu ca arata naspa,se imbraca naspa,are freza de tocilar,n-are nici un pic de voce :-< esthe un copil fugit de la cershit ca sa se faca cantaret ca nah...curg banii in meseria astha ;;) In ultimu timp prea multi copii sunt catalogati drept "staruri" din pacate se duce de rapa piata muzicala :( Serios acu  nu pot intelege ce vad pustioaicele de 12,13 ani la el :-s e una sa ai talent shi alta sa arati bine (+ ca justin beiber nu arata bine) ma intreb doar...daca ash fi avut 12 ani ash fi ramas shi eu indragostita de el? (dhoamneee feresthe ce gand,sigur ca nu!) sper totushi ca mai exista shi adolescente cu putina minte ;))

Acestea au fost 5 cantareti/trupe pe care ori le urasc,ori imi lasa un gust amar ;;) mai sunt multi care deshi nu au talent sunt "staruri" de fapt,cam 90% din cantareti din ziua de azi au talent de resthu nu am ce sa zic :(  pot descrie muzica lor doar prin prin 3 cuvinte"Comercial Shit Music" ;;)

Postata in:  show-biz  muzica  film  critica-muzicala

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02 Aprilie 2010 | djcomy


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