Blogurile BeatFactor


B I O G R A P H Y:
23 Martie 2010 | AVIRRA

Born in 1989, Onofrei Bogdan Ionut(aka. Avirra) descovers electronic music at the age of 14 .The passion for music made him start producing in 2007.In september 2009, sends his first track, called "Bustle" to an italian label (Underscore),and only after one month the track is included on a Various Artists.Then he produces three more tracks for another label, this time a german one called (Documenti Sonori Records).This label offers him his first EP, "Diffusion", released at end of last year.Also in decembre his first remix is released, remix made for Mollo, with a track called "Fuck The Nanny",a track signed with Eklero Records, from Italy. Year 2010 is the most relevant for the DJ, as he played in Orphee (Sibiu), Red Carpet (Sibiu), Kapital (Sibiu).He started the year of 2010 with a lot of good tracks, like:Togheter,Hey,Radical,Level 5,My Love,Love Of The Sun,Funny,Pam Pam,Flute Magic,and the remixes for: Swallen,Mollo & Juano Velino,Peka,Gavril''s.These days Avirra has a colaboration with the DJ and Producer "Claude Daniel".Toghether they released, not long ago, the track "Come on".

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                                        Thank you!

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DOTA - Hero :Chuck Norris
17 Februarie 2010 | texx

# Chuck Norris can walk on Fissure.
# Chuck Norris absorbs Finger of Death and shoots it out through his big toe.
# Chuck Norris has a 100 % chance for multicast. With Aghanims its 200 %.
# Chuck Norris can stop Reincarnation by ripping the cross out of the ground and snapping it in half.
# Chuck Norris doesn''''''''t have Doom. He has Dead!!
# Chuck Norris makes his own Sentry wards out of grass, twigs, and index fingers. They have 12000 sight and can see into the next game.
# Chuck Norris is the reason why Pudge has three arms.
# Chuck Norris is the reason why Leshracs Soul is so Tourmented.
# Chuck Norris is neither Hero, Creep nor Ancient.
# When Chuck Norris uses BKB he stays the same.
# Attacking a unit with Frost Armor makes Chuck Norris move faster.
# Chuck Norris can use Helm of the dominator on Enemy Heros
# Chuck Norris doesn''''''''t visit the Secret Shop. The Secret Shop comes to him.
# Chuck Norris comes with a Dagon 50 every game.
# Chuck Norris can catch Tinkers Missiles and throw them back.
# Chuck Norris gives Atropos Nightmares.
# Chuck Norris can outrun Deathpulse and make it hit Necrolyte instead.
# Chuck Norris can re-use Consumables.
# Chuck Norris doesn''''''''t Timewalk. He is already there.
# Chuck Norris is NOT an orb effect
# Chuck Norris'''''''' power treads stack with boots of travel.
# Chuck Norris can dominate Roshan.
# Chuck Norris made Tiny tiny.
# Backdooring was outlawed after Chuck Norris repeatedly destroyed opponents healing fountains.
# In older versions of DotA, Chuck Norris farmed wood.
# Chuck Norris can break heroes bones, permanently slowing them and reducing their attack speed.
# All images run away from Chuck Norris.
# Invisibility stacks on Chuck Norris.
# Chuck Norris demanded that he be a hero in DotA. Icefrog turned him down, meaning that if Norris became a hero, its power would constantly cause the game to crash due to the overload. Icefrog is the only living creature who lived to tell the tale of the day he talked back at Chuck Norris.
# 6 divine rapiers gives you the Chuck Norris Orb.
# Buriza is the name of Chuck Norris'''''''' hamster.
# Chuck Norris gangs alone.
# A public player who once called Chuck Norris a n00b was found dead the next morning, his screen had smashed his face in.
# Chuck Norris is immune to your banlist.
# Chuck Norris has 7 slots.
# Chuck Norris shops in the opponents base.
# Chuck Norris doesn''''''''t need WTF mode.
# Chuck Norris is safelisted everywhere automatically, bots do not wish to make enemies with him.
# Chuck Norris'''''''' refresher orbs refresh themselves.
# If you leave Chuck Norris'''''''' game, you won''''''''t play DotA... ever again.
# Chuck Norris can win DotA alone, without picking a hero
# Chuck Norris can posess enemy''''''''s courier without them knowing. range is set to total map.
# Chuck Norris can alternate his collision size, from lane blocking to zero collision.
# Treant''''''''s forest watcher eye''''''''s will shut down at the sight of chuck norris. Weaver''''''''s shade''''''''s will turn visible due to fear! Wards are said to change position and hide in forests.
# Chuck Norris once threw his sacred relic away. It''''''''s damage bonus was not enough.
# Chuck Norris is the only one permitted to use godmode, as there is no known command to make him vulnerable!
# Ultimate orb turns blue when in chuck norris'''''''' hands.
# Chuck Norris can manipulate blinkdaggers, being able to reverse enemies blinkdirection. This way he doesn''''''''t need to chase down or throw trees as enemies will pop up right next to him.
# Ironwood branch gives +100 stats to him. They also stack in his inventory to a total amount of unknown size.
# Chuck Norris'''''''' blademails will work on ranged opponents to.
# Chuck Norris can autospawn power ups.
# Chuck Norris can hit tree/throne without killig towers.
# Chuck Norris gets gold from each dying creep, even without last-hitting them.
# Chuck Norris'''''''' splash damage effects the whole map, thats why he always has a # team kill when creeping gnolls in the jungle.
# Chuck Norris'''''''' bottle is always full.
# If cast on Chuck Norris, rhasta''''''''s ulti-wards attack rhasta for being blasphemic.
# Chuck Norris'''''''' inhuman powers drop on death, giving the player who picks ''''''''em up a permanent aegis aura. Too bad he never dies... ever.
# Chuck Norris'''''''' Tangos dont eat trees, they eat woods.
# Chuck Norris can''''''''t use the Necronomicons, they would run away in fear!
# Chuck Norris can deflect a Laguna Blade on an enemy with his fist!
# Someone maphacked on Chuck Norris. His body was never found.
# Chuck Norris can dodge assassinate!
# Putting a Blink Dagger on Chuck Norris is like putting wheels on a bullet.
# Chuck Norris has a 1-hour Chronosphere with 12000 AOE.
# Chuck Norris leeches with spell damage.
# Chuck Norris base MS ist 521.
# Chuck Norris has a blink with 0 sec cd and 12000 range.
# Illusions of Chuck Norris deal 100% dam.
# Chuck Norris can pick a hero in -ar mode.
# Chuck Norris gains gold if the fountain kills a creep.
# Chuck Norris gains +50 to all stats every lvlup.
# Chuck Norris hates Rikmaru. If he manages to get to lvl 6 before Chuck Norris hunts him down, he has a slight chance to escape from him. Too bad Chuck Norris has truesight.
# Chuck Norris pulls Pugde next to him if he gets hooked.
# Every time you get double damage Chuck Norris gets triple armor.
# Every Hit Chuck Norris does is a lasthit.
# Chuck Norris has 100% Evasion.
# Chuck Norris can use all Spells with one hotkey.
# Chuck Norris gets quantity discount at the secret shop.
# After GODLIKE only comes CHUCKLIKE with an amount of 100 kills in a row.
# Chuck Norris doesen''''''''t need boots of travel. If he wants to be somewhere every enemy unit at that place just teleports to him.
# If Chuck Norris types -di and hits enter Warcraft III will throw an exception anytime cause the amount of kills doesen''''''''t fit into integer value anymore.
# Chuck Norris uses Lone Druids'''''''' bear only as Chicken.
# Chuck Norris doesen''''''''t need Banlist. No one will leave until Chuck Norris allows him to leave - even if game is over.

Postata in:  funny

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DJ Manu-Tu esti muzica
27 Decembrie 2009 | ManuDJ

Postata in:  show-biz  muzica  fashion  clubbing  funny

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Stiti sa pletositi?
27 Decembrie 2009 | Blooddrunk

Daca nu stiti,va invata baietii de mai jos :)))
Nu luati in serios,e o parodie:))))

Postata in:  show-biz  muzica  funny

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Google Wave
16 Noiembrie 2009 | beatfactor

google, un fel de d-zeu pe pamant, un fel de a doua venire a lui iisus hristos in ce priveste internetul, a mai lansat un serviciu foarte util de e-mail. sau ceva p-acolo.
o descriere completa in doua filmulete de mai jos.

Postata in:  funny

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christian thrash metal
05 Noiembrie 2009 | texx

Astea cica''s catalogate drept "Christian thrash metal bands" ...

Postata in:  show-biz  funny

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Jesus metal
05 Noiembrie 2009 | texx

wtf ...

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We like beer !!!
26 Octombrie 2009 | texx

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ca tot suntem in campanie ...
23 Octombrie 2009 | texx

Chiar, ia uite !

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fotolii de lux
23 Octombrie 2009 | texx

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