Blogurile BeatFactor


In fiecare Weekend petrecem in Club Xs
13 Iulie 2010 | Dj_Robby_1986

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Selena Gomez - Round & Round
30 Iunie 2010 | Rated-Y2J

Se pare ca BestMusic a uitat de Selena asa ca o sa scriu eu in blog chiar daca stiu ca nu  o sa se uite nimeni!

In 18 Iunie Selena Gomez a lansat videoclipul si piesa Round & Round! Filmarea videoclipului a avut loc in Budapesta iar durata a fost de o saptamana de filmari!

Videoclipul are ca durata 3:26 , iar dupa cum Selena ne-a obisnuit piesa este in compania trupei The Scene

Sa speram ca pot sa fac reclama si ca v-a merge:

Selena Gomez & The Scene - Round & Round:

Round and Round (x4)

You see me standing there
And act like you dont know me
But last night you were calling me
Saying you want me
Oh why you always make me feel
Like I'm the one thats crazy
You feel my heart racing
My-my heart racing

Boy, I need you here with me
We can't go on this way
I'm falling hard for you
And all I can say

We're going round and round
We're never gonna stop
Going round and round
We'll never get where
We are going
Round and round
Well your gonna miss me
Cause im getting dizzy
Going round and round
Round and round

You tried to pull me close
And whisper in my ear
You always told me lies
I cried out all my tears
I pushed my feelings to the side
But then you bring them back
B-bring them back
Now you got me singing

Boy,I need you here with me
We cant go on this way
I'm falling hard for you
And all I can say

We're going round and round
We're never gonna stop
Going round and round
We'll never get where
We are going
Round and round
Well your gonna miss me
Cause im getting dizzy
Going round and round
Round and round

Love me or Love me not
Im starring at the clock
I take them flower petals off
And then I watch them drop
Love me or Love me not
Im starring at the clock
I take them flower petals off
And then I watch them drop

Boy,I need you here with me
We cant go on this way
I'm falling hard for you
And all I can say

We're going round and round
We're never gonna stop
Going round and round
We'll never get where
We are going
Round and round
Well your gonna miss me
Cause im getting dizzy
Going round and round
Round and round

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Vedete de care eu una m-am saturat
06 Aprilie 2010 | MySuicideDream

Daaa...m-am gandit sa-mi spun shi eu offul fara a avea pretentia sa ma inteleaga cineva ;;) Asha...ash vrea sa cataloghez shi eu nisthe "vedete" aparute din senin care au luat mintile adolescentilor din ziua de azi :)

1.Oare cine sa fie?Guess who?  Miss Miley Cyrus desigur :)

Mereu am avut ceva cu fiinta injositoare care nu acum mult timp era doar o fata simpla venita de la tara ca sa ajunga "Superstar" ;;) De unde sa incep? Miley Cyrus aka Hannah Montana a aparut prima data in 2006 interpretand-o Miley Steward,o adolescenta obisnuita,aiurita,obsedata dupa culoarea roz ce in spatele vietzii sale naspa o tine ascunsa pe Hannah Satana...Montana pardon :) Hannah Montana esthe o cantareata naspa,la fel ca shi cea care o interpreteaza,OBSEDATA de culoare roz care canta despre cat de cool esthe shi despre faptu ca "Nobody\'s perfect" (nimeni nu-i perfect) dresigur...nimeni cu exceptia ei :) Ma rog...s-o lasam acu pe Hannah shi sa trecem la Miss Cyrus ;;) Satula sa fie in umbra personajului pe care il interpreteaza Miley a "ieshit de sub carapace" in 2007 lansandu-se pt prima oara sub numele ei adevarat "Miley Cyrus" cu albumul de debut "Meet Miley Cyrus" ;;) Ea sperand ca lumea (cand spun "lume" ma refer la copiii prosthi care ii sunt fani) s-o uite pe Hannah shi s-o placa pe Miley ;;) I-a mers shi ei un an,doi ca deh...muzica ei transmite mesaje :)))) Exista insa o mica problema...Miley a inceput sa-shi cam piarda din fani :( Eu fiind un antifan (UN MARE ANTIFAN) de-al ei ar trebui sa ma bucur dar din pacate nu o pot face :(( deoarece era o mare distractie pt mn sa ii vad pe fanii Miley cum sufera :(((( Btw cauza pierderi fanilor nu o stiu exact...adica sunt multe posibilitati :-? S-or fi desteptat?Shi-or fi dat seama cat de c*rva e Miley?Ramane un mister.

2.Lady Gaga

N-am nimic rau cu tipa insa ma cam deranjeaza faptu ca se expune MULT prea mult :-? Spre deosebire de unii care se supra numesc cantareti (cand de fapt e vai de capu lor) Gaga chiar are voce,insa nu vrea sa-shi cucereasca fanii cu vocea ei,mai mult lasand vestimentatia noncomformista sa ii construiasca o imagine.

3.Jon-ass brothers :) daaa.... cu alte cuvinte cea mai proasta trupa ever ;;)

Ca shi  Miley,surorile....fratii Jonas s-au facut cunoscuti datorita Disneyului (care mai nou lanseaza orice adolescent deprimat shi netalentat) Daca nu ma inshel :-? fratiorii Jonas au aparut prima oara in filmul "Camp Rock" (care numai Rock nu era dar nah...vorbim de Disney,dah?)Ei au jucat in filmul "Camp Rock" (nu pe bune :-s oamenii asthia ce au avut in cap cand i-au zis "Rock" ?) alaturi de Demi Lovato (o alta panarama marca Disney Chenal bineinteles) Dintre surorile...fratii mai :)) Jonas cel care a avut cea mai mare importanta in film a fost Joe.Dupa Camp Rahat (sorry dar chiar nu mai pot scrie Rock x-( e cea mai MARE insulta adusa muzicii Rock pe care am vazut-o vreodata) a urmat "Jonas" ;;) care ii are ca protagonisti tot pe subsenatii fratiori ;)) Serialul(daca poate fi numit serial) ii prezinta pe cei trei intr-o postura care este destul de asemanatoare cu cea a lui Miley Cyrus in serialul "Hannah Montana" deshi nu sunt chiar la refer la faptul ca shi Jonashii merg la scoala ca nisthe adolescenti normali doar ca,colegii lor sthiu de faptu ca ei sunt "Staruri" btw ca shi in Hannah Montana,serialul Jonas contine glume fara nici un haz,intamplari stupide,fani disperati etc...Ca shi Miley (e a treia oara cand ii compar cu ea dar...n-am cu cine altcineva ca doar nah sunt cam the same shit) Jonas a produs un impact printre adolescentele aiurite in cautare de o viata,care insa nu a durat mult ;;) Jon-ass shi-au pierdut fanii shi nu prea mai au multe planuri de viitor ca trupa :) Kevin(cel mai mare shi cel mai naspa) s-a casatorit,Joe...nush ce draq face shi ala,iar Nick(without dick :))) porecla pe care i-am dat-o) vrea sa incerce o cariera solo (eo i-ash sugera sa se dea batut ca doar s-a facut de rahat cu trupa Jon-ass,acu vrea shi pe cont propriu?)

4.Numarul patru l-ash dedica restul starurilor Disney :)

Demi Lovato,Selena Gomez,Vanessa Hudgens,Ashley Tistdale,Zac Efron shi multi altii....Numele lor va suna cunoscute?Cum sa nu :) doar esthe vorba de cei mai naspa "cantareti" sau "actori" (toti marca Disney of course ;;))Nush cum unii copii ii pot considera "cantareti","actori","role modele" shi alte minuni :-s Trist nuh?Mah rog nu mai stau sa dezbat shi subiectul lor ca n-are rost :-< povesthile lor sunt foarte asemanatoare cu ale lui Miley shi Jon-ass ;) Asha de repede apar,asha de repede dispar :->

5.Justin Beiber

Justin...offff ;;) a aparut de vreo 5 luni shi deja adolescentele mor dupa pusthiulica superstar :) Deci pe langa faptu ca arata naspa,se imbraca naspa,are freza de tocilar,n-are nici un pic de voce :-< esthe un copil fugit de la cershit ca sa se faca cantaret ca nah...curg banii in meseria astha ;;) In ultimu timp prea multi copii sunt catalogati drept "staruri" din pacate se duce de rapa piata muzicala :( Serios acu  nu pot intelege ce vad pustioaicele de 12,13 ani la el :-s e una sa ai talent shi alta sa arati bine (+ ca justin beiber nu arata bine) ma intreb doar...daca ash fi avut 12 ani ash fi ramas shi eu indragostita de el? (dhoamneee feresthe ce gand,sigur ca nu!) sper totushi ca mai exista shi adolescente cu putina minte ;))

Acestea au fost 5 cantareti/trupe pe care ori le urasc,ori imi lasa un gust amar ;;) mai sunt multi care deshi nu au talent sunt "staruri" de fapt,cam 90% din cantareti din ziua de azi au talent de resthu nu am ce sa zic :(  pot descrie muzica lor doar prin prin 3 cuvinte"Comercial Shit Music" ;;)

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17 Februarie 2010 | Bastard Beat


Va asteptam sa petrecem impreuna, vineri - 19.feb.010, la Indie Club (Str.Inisor nr.2 - langa UNATC).
Free drinks, shots ... and more.


Bastard Beat / Sorin Ghinea / Eko & Val

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09 Decembrie 2009 | djk_ro

Muzica, Events, EPs, Party`s 

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[SNEJL012] Giorgos Gatzigristos - Vintage Landmarks EP
16 Noiembrie 2009 | onlyrecords


Giorgos Gatzigristos
Vintage Landmarks EP
Style: Techno
Release: Nov 15 2009
Label: Snejl Recordings
Cat. no : SNEJL012

Buy on Beatport HERE
Buy on Whatpeopleplay HERE

Press release

With Estroe''s - Knetter still fresh and hitting both dancefloors and charts, we keep going , but we couldnt stay far away from the Dutch sounds!
After he got showcased on John Digweed''s recent CD - "Bedrock 11" with 2 originals, we welcome Giorgos Gatzigristosto our family with a superb 4 tracker EP.
We strongly recommend the whole EP, because as one of the tracks says, Giorgos is sporting some serious dark stuff in here, blissful techno at its best!

1. Vintage Landmarks
2. Dongle
3. Sporting Dark Stuff
4. Metal Enclosure

Official video trailer here :

Feedback and reactions :

Laurent Garnier (FCom)
"metal enclosure" is the track for me ...will play this

Sasha ( Emfire ) : “Loving this release guys! “

Stephan Bodzin (Herzblut)
mental enclosure for me. great hypnotizing track.

Hernan Cattaneo (Renaissance,Sudbeat)
tracks 3 & 4 for me.good stuff!

Henry Saiz (Natura Sonoris, Renaissance)
Great tracks of deep melodic techno, really like it, My fav is metal enclosure,good work :)

Ludovic Vendi (Sonat Records)
i like Sporting Dark Stuff :)

Kerkez (Logos/Minisketch)
Metal enclosure sounds best for me

THE ADVENT (Tresor, Drumcode)
dongle.. preffer more...7/10..

Motorcitysoul (Simple, Tsuba, Diynamic)
good tracks, especially vintage landmarks, but not 100% down my alley.matthias // motorcitysoul

Jeff Bennett
Def playing, Metal enclosure is for me.

Mistress De Funk
really nice e.p, right up my street!!

dj Nori (Posivion mag / Remix mag / hypnodisk)
Dark & emotional release.

H-tenza (Sonat rec)
Metal Enclosure is def a cool track! ll play for sureNice ep !

Taras van de Voorde ((Exceptional/Wolfskuil))
Dark, sweaty, loaded venue techno! I like, and will play when possible! Go Holland :)

DJ Steve Marx (Loop Music)
Wicked EP this with Dongle being my favourite, prepare for Armeggedon on the dancefloor. You have been forwarned

Tom Pooks (Night Drive)
waow !powerful land deep, very good favourite are dongle and sporting dark !!!!

James Crossan (zutekh-mcr)
nice stuff!

Micah (Ruhnsong)
sporting dark stuff is my fave, nice n'' twisted

Karri O. (Plong!, Thoughtless Music)
Strong, dark tracks that stay true to the techno spirit. Great EP.

Taho (Ovum, Delsin, Fcom)
Metal Enclosure is my favorite too! Amazing EP again, all songs are great!

Sasha le Monnier
Sporting Dark Stuff builds nicely and dig that hypnotic feel to Metal Enclosure, two cool tracks...thanks!

Mike Hiratzka (Lost Angeles Recordings)
Solid production, cool grooves but a little moody for my sets

Dean Facer (United Colors Of House - OurHouse Magazine reviewer)
Great EP will support, play & review..... many thanks

Paris Underground (Snejl)
Like Sporting Dark Stuff...overall good EP.

Christian Cambas (Devilock)
Great vibe going on on all tracks, full support from me. Sporting Dark Stuff is my fave.

Tarmo Vannas (TechTribe, Proton Radio)
Interesting tracks, I like certain aspects in all of these, specially Vintage and Metal, will give these a good listen, downloading!

Damien Unbroken (Unbroken Productions/Channel 4)
Great EP... digging ''Dongle'' and ''Sporting..'' the most though.

Dibby Dougherty (Yello Resident)
Jesus this is tough, some serious killer tracks here for late in the night, Metal Enclosure is my pick of the bunch, great work

Baunder (Soundexile)
Metal Enclosure is the one for me! Nice melody to it and wicked buildup!

Gene (soap records)
Loving this ep will play for sure : )

Luciano Pizzella (Italic,Factor City)
Another hi-quality release for Snejl. My favorite tracks are Sporting Dark Stuff and Dongle. I''ll play for sure in my sets. 8/10

Rico Puestel / Dinamoe (Fabulesque! / Archipel / Frankie Rec.)
Proper context! Digging in the deep ...

Elusive (Perceptive Rec/Nordic Rec/Oslo Nights)
Dongle and Vintage Landmarks are the tracks for me! Snejl is steadily becoming a BIG label :)

Eelke Kleijn (GU / Outside the Box)
all tracks are great!

Jay Kaufman (Tortoise Shell Recordings, Park Muzik, Bellarine Recordings, Existence Music)
Dongle is fantastic. Deep and dubby, dark and moody. Sporting Dark is pretty cool too. Overall a pretty sound release.

Stian Klo
excellent ep, deep and mysterious. dongle is huge !

gomez (werd. san francisco)
good stuff here, a tad too dark for me but definitely, quality 100%. i like dongle the best,

Rob Warner (Our House Magazine)
Nice one. Deep and dark!

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Anca - One Love
12 Noiembrie 2009 | anca_radu2004

Ascultati prima mea piesa....Anca - one love

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Interviu: Logan versus Turntable Science
09 Noiembrie 2009 | real_drum

 Pe Turntable Science i-am ascultat prima si singura oara anul trecut, in deschidere la Kid Koala. Cat despre Logan, personal il consider unul dintre cei mai imprevizibili si cu coa.e DJ.i pe care ii gasesti acum pe "scena locala". Ambele acte artistice au un minunat old school flavor.

In timpul sfintei "reviste a presei" internautice, dau peste un interviu foarte misto cu Logan si Dox & Undoo de la Turntable Science, pe fgm. 

"Logan: Cred că în România, în anii 2000, DJii nu cumpărau muzica, ci o furau. În Anglia, cluburile nici nu aveau CD playere. A durat încă vreo trei ani din 2002 ca să apară și acolo, dar oamenii care obișnuiau să cumpere discuri au continuat să o facă pentru că muzica sună mai bine când o cânți de pe un disc. Și de asemenea este și o artă în djing de care voi sunteți clar foarte pasionați. Eu nu fac scratchuri pe seturile mele sau nimic de genul ăsta, dar prefer să pun de pe vinil și nu de pe CD."

Dox: Avem o piesă în care folosim un sample dintr-o piesă de jazz românească, destul de veche. Nu folosim multe melodii românești pentru că sunt majoritatea populare și nu se potrivesc cu stilul nostru. Cred că am avut la un moment dat piesa aia cu țambalul, care e un instrument specific pentru estul Europei, un sunet specific balcanic.

Logan: Îmi place țambalul, are un sunet foarte bun. Vecinii mei de deasupra sunt țigani și ascultă muzică tradițională toată seară, mult țambal și vioară.

Dox: Muzica tradițională țiganească e ok, dar amestecată cu turcisme sau grecisme iese ceva… poate ai auzit de manele.

Logan: Nu crezi că manelele au o atitudine cumva hip-hop?

Dox: Nici vorbă.

UNDOO: That’s the hip hop attitude.

Logan: Asta spuneam, mi se par asemănătoare.

Dox: Nu mă înțelege greșit, nu sunt rasist, dar trăiesc în Romania și stiu ce se întamplă cu oamenii ăștia.

Logan: Nu crezi că manelele vin tot din stradă?

Dox: Asta cam așa e… Dar mai bine ne zici de tine.

Logan: Ce stil pun? Da, nu știu, oamenii mă întreabă asta de mult și n-am găsit niciodată un raspuns bun. Am început să pun muzică în 1989 și am trecut prin multe stiluri și influențe. Oamenii își impun niște bariere de obicei și fiecare disc sună la fel. Eu nu sunt așa, nu pot să ascult același sunet tot timpul. Cum faceți voi, am auzit „I’m a man”, influențe rock, influențe funk. Sunetul meu a început să se dezvolte 10 ani mai târziu odată cu muzica electronică, sintetizată. A fost primul stil de muzică de care m-am interesat. Când auzeam sunetele nu puteam să le asociez cu nimic. Dacă aud un pian, îl asociez cu un pian, dar muzica electronică n-o puteam lega de nimic.

Spre norocul meu, când aveam 18 ani a apărut acid house și a fost o perioadă bună pentru a evolua. Pentru mine a fost atitudinea aia de „creează ceva”, organizează o petrecere, fuck the system, era punk-rock și atitudinea aia a rămas cu mine până acum. Ar trebui să am o slujbă și o familie, dar poate că n-ar trebui…

povestea integrala aici -

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Highway to Love
26 Octombrie 2009 | koko34100

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[ONLYD38] - Gene - Ozete EP out now
20 Octombrie 2009 | onlyrecords

Gene - Ozete EP
Genre: Tech-House,Deep House,
Release Date: 2009-10-20
Label: Only Records





1 Gene - Ozete (Original Mix )
2 Gene - Glad To Be Free (Original Mix )
3 Gene - Rokin Kat ( Original Mix )
4 Gene - Stuck (Original Mix )
5 Gene - Mantra feat. Gera



Buy now exclusively on BEATPORT


Release Info:

Definitely picking up the more deeper, techier route, the ever changing Only Records strikes again with a 5 tracker EP coming from Gene, a talented producer born in Israel , definitely one to watch for in the very next future

The name of the Ep – “Ozete”, featured on one of the tracks drags you into a world of floaty chords and tainted melodies. But be ready for some breathless grooves with hopping deepness which are perfect for both those early warm up sets as well as listening pleasure.

1. Ozete
2. Glad To Be Free
3. Rokin Kat
4. Stuck
5. Mantra feat. Gera

Release date : 20th of October 2009
Mastering by : Matthew Adams (
Cover artwork by : Toygun

Youtube Video
OurHouse Magazine Issue no. 014 - September 2009 - Deep House Section Review





Alland Byallo
I love the whole relesze. I will play Mantra and Ozete. The others are really cool too!

Hernan Cattaneo (Renaissance,Sudbeat)
ozete my fav good package

Rico Puestel / Dinamoe (Fabulesque! / Archipel / Frankie Rec.)
A worthwhile colourful trip - needs every single track to follow...!

dj Nori (Posivion mag / Remix mag / hypnodisk)
Really great release:))) Deep + emotional. stuck (original mix) is best for morning floor on open air!!

Mike Hiratzka (Lost Angeles Recordings)
Really nice production all around, prefer the deeper tech vibe on Stuck for my early sets.

Shawn Mitiska (, The Church Nightclub, Vinyl Nightclub)
Excellent release, ''''''''''''''''Ozete'''''''''''''''' is my personal fav...HAIL ONLY RECORDS!!!

Matthew Adams (Proton Records / Toes In The Sand / M.A. Productions)
Love Ozete, really digging the vibe in Stuck and definitley into the atmosphere of Mantra. Great release!

Stian Klo
ace production, vibe and all around feel to the whole ep! top release

James Crossan (zutekh-mcr)
another great ep.. ozete for me :)

Psycatron (Psycatron/Planet E/Simple/Tronic)
really cool ep. Ozete is my fave.

Dibby Dougherty (Yello Resident)
Loving the new sound of ''''''''''''''''Only Records''''''''''''''''...few crackin tracks to choose from here, ''''''''''''''''Glad to be free'''''''''''''''' is my pick of the bunch, Mantra is pretty rockin'''''''''''''''' too...keep em coming, full support

Arjun (Jalebee Cartel)
really solid EP !! Rockin Kat is slick, really diggin it ! Mantra is nice and deep ! all the tunes are ace !

Taho (Ovum, Delsin, Fcom)
This is incredible quality music and the sound is huge! I wish I could vote 10 out of 5... really impressive! In love.

EE2 (EE2)
Love the new Ep I really like Rokin Kat. What can I say im never dissapointed with Only Records.

Deep Mariano (Surface Bookings)
Stuck is great , Mantra is GREAT. Will play both!!

Micah (Ruhnsong)
Ozete is fantastic, Rokin Kat is great and Mantra is really something special, great ep!

John Digweed (Bedrock)
Good tracks. Love Ozete

Elusive (Perceptive Rec/Nordic Rec/Oslo Nights)
Like EVERY single track! Superb package, love the direction Only is going in, will support!

Kosmas Epsilon
Superb quality showcase. Ozete is just awesome!!

Laurent Garnier (FCom)
lovely deepness .....very sooth and funky ...will play

Dean Facer (United Colors Of House /+/ OurHouse Magazine reviewer)
Stunning EP, superb deep grooves!!! will support & review

Baunder (Soundexile)
Amazing package, as expected from Only! Stuck and Ozete are my favorites. Will play!

Kerkez (Logos/Minisketch)
Glad to be free my fav the last one is also nice! :) love it

Kamisshake (Bedrock, Yoshitoshi)
ozete is pure deepnes....wicked ep full support

Dubfire (SCI-TEC)

Eelke Kleijn (GU / Outside the Box)
quality pack! all tracks are good but Ozete is my fav.

Andy Newland (twisted audio)
ozete is killer for early on. Like Stuck as well. Another great package!

Motorcitysoul (Simple, Tsuba, Diynamic)
ozete... great track!

Patrick Zigon (Cocoon,Traum,Galaktika)
Very nice tracks..will check them out ;-)

gomez (werd. san francisco)
this is such a quality release. great music, very now!

Rob Warner (Our House Magazine)
Ozete is very nice... deep!

ToyGun (Hermannstadt Collective, Conversions)
five out of five. a great release over all, my fav is ozete. allready spinning it!

Axel Bartsch (Sportclub)
nice one, all well done. not sure what to pick and play, will try mantra.

H-tenza (Sonat rec)
Full support! ll play for sure, Ozette my fav :)

Taras van de Voorde ((Exceptional/Wolfskuil))
Very good release!! Love Ozete, Mantra, Glad to be and Rokin Kat. Will def. play them out the next coming period! Thanks

Ozete is the one that really stands out for me and after that the Glad to be free track. Mantra is also nice but a bit too trancy for me maybe. will listen to that one some more. Nice release!

Angel Molina (Sonar)
Ozete does really for me, thanks!

Jay Epoch (Proton Radio)
Really enjoyable EP. The title track is the standout one for me, but I also like Glad To Be Free and Mantra. Great release.

Abel Riballo (In Bed with Space)
really cool release, nice sounds at atmosphere, me gusta!!!

Roy Brizman
very nice release deep and quality tnx

Lukasz Napora (Soundrevolt Magazine)
looks good. expect an email once mentioned.

THE ADVENT (Tresor, Drumcode)
all tracks well put together.. nice deeper than deep vibes.. 8/10

GIC (One Fm)
Nice sounds around this one, a little bit euphoric, love the main leads from rokin kat and mantra.

Maher Daniel (Get Physical/ Harem Records)
Ozete is the one for me great records (Get Physical Music /Souvenir Music/Bedrock Records)

Erick Morillo (Subliminal)
Will pass to EM asap.

Amir Sharara
Amazing collection... Love the uplifting techy sounds in Glad to be free ! Ozete is nice to for an opening.. will play them for sure !!

Fabrice Lig (Third Ear, Different)
Yeah, ozete is the one.

Ludovic Vendi (Sonat Records)
i really like Ozete , and it s a wicked Ep !

Tarmo Vannas (TechTribe, Proton Radio)
Robik Kat works best for me, nice EP overall, thanks!

parham (Unfokused Music)
Nice package! All tracks are ace. Am sure at least one or two of the tracks will get played from me.

Dimitri Andreas (Systematic)
Nice deep release! mmmmm...

Mr.A (Danceteria Music)
Definately playing ozete. club+radio support.

Pinto (Nëim Records)
ill play Ozete for shure, lovely warm and deep sound!

Joee Cons (MAR186, Restructured, Hi Bias)
diggin Ozete & Mantra

Osunlade (Yoruba)
Ozete is a nice journey of deepness.perfect for my sets! full support!

Sasha le Monnier
Ozete is a lovely deep groovy early warm up track for my set''''''''''''''''s, nice work!

Vlad Sokolov (Sokolov Sounds)
Glad to be free is the one for me, and will be played



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