Trei femei au fost gasite in stare de inconstienta in backstage-ul DVBBS

13 Iulie 2016 Elena Paraschiv Best Music

Trei femei au fost gasite in stare de inconstienta in backstage-ul DVBBS

Duo-ul electronic DVBBS a urcat sambata de scena festivalului Balaton Sound, dar spre nefericirea lor, totul s-a incheiat urat.

Sase femei care se aflau in fata scenei au fost gasite dupa ce grupul parasise locatia in backstage. Trei dintre ele erau in stare de inconstienta, asa ca au fost chemati paramedicii.

Potrivit publicatiei locale BORS, se pare ca femeile au fost chemate in backstage de catre trupa, dar cei doi membri neaga vehement aceste acuzatii. Mama uneia dintre fetele gasite acolo a depus deja plangere la politie.

“We are shocked that some attendees of the Balaton Festival (sic) were victims of events which got them hospitalized,” the statement reads. “Police asked our cooperation for the investigation and of course we did what we could. Police confirmed there isn’t any link between us and what happened, that’s why we took off a couple of hours later to our next gig in ibiza. There is another case going on independently from this in connection with marijuana and we gladly answer all questions regarding this and help the police to solve the case. Our thoughts are with the victims and their families. Alex and Chris (DVBBS)."

Si ca tacamul sa fie complet, cei doi membri au fost arestati pe aeroportul din Budapesta dupa ce au picat testul anti-drog, dar au fost eliberati pe cautiune.

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