Oliver Sim(The xx) a vorbit despre dependenta sa de alcool

29 Decembrie 2016 Elena Paraschiv Best Music

Oliver Sim(The xx) a vorbit despre dependenta sa de alcool

Oliver Sim a discutat recent intr-un interviu acordat publicatiei Pitchfork despre dependenta sa de alcool.

Artistul a povestit despre perioada in care a fost in turneul de promovare al albumului sau solo "In Colour", o perioada destul de grea in care s-a luptat cu indoieli legate de el insusi.

"I was going out a lot with the excuse that I was celebrating—‘celebrating’—the past few years. Just fighting the idea of becoming an adult. Some friends had started to mellow a bit, and I didn’t want to.

And with alcohol, like a lot of things, it’s all or nothing for me,” he continued. “So right now it’s just nothing.” I was the last person to think that I wasn’t drinking… successfully. Everyone had voiced their opinions. But the problem was that I was, I suppose, distancing myself, so I thought, ‘How would they know?’

That’s real telltale. Romy and Jamie confronting me independently was… the last straw. The fact that I wasn’t being creative hit harder—and kidding myself that I felt more creative with a drink in me.”, a declarat acesta.

The xx vor lansa pe 13 ianuarie al treilea album din cariera grupului, "I see You". Primul single extras de pe acest album este "On Hold".

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