Alex Cortex renunta la techno

19 Octombrie 2009 Create It BeatFactor

Alex Cortex, renumitul producator de techno, a anuntat sa se retrage din industrie, cel putin o perioada.

Artistul are o multime de fani in toata lumea, si o multime de release-uri la case de discuri precum Patchmusick si Wireblock. Tocmai de aceea, stirea ca acesta renunta la muzica a venit ca un soc pentru toti din industrie.

Aparent, artistul are o multime de frustrari si indignari legate der scena muzicii electronice, iar faptul ca nu poate sa le depaseasca l-a determinat sa-si puna punct carierei sale in productie.

Artistul a trimis o declaratie oficiala site-ului Test Industies in care explica pe larg si amanuntit motivele renuntarii. Cel mai bine cititi cu ochii vorstrii si pe limba lui, pentru ca e, cateogoric, cel mai curajos si la obicect statement facut vreodata de un artist din aceasta industrie.

Un fragment gasiti mai jos

“It is hard to survive in this business if you don’t live in a techno hotspot but are all on your own; if you don’t work at a club, label, distributor, record-store, booking agency, or else affiliated business; if you don’t snore [sic] coke or share hookers with ‘important’ people at afterhours; if you don’t conform to producing what I call “the sound of the season”; if you don’t answer ‘yes’ to everything; if you don’t sell yourself cheaply and in return have to justify yourself for not entering the fee dumping contest so many artists blindly accept; if you don’t care more about your haircut or choice of t-shirt than about your music and sound; if you don’t get obsessed with squeezing out any penny of this business but rather try to provide other music lovers with a timeless product; if you don’t get obsessed with your (imagined) importance, but forget about these vanities and concentrate on the actual work in the studio.

Artistically (and largely on a personal level too) this scene has been creeping up its own arse.”

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